Blind CVs - Upon request, blind CV’s are available as a shortlist. This is when a CV is sent without information which could encourage unconscious bias, this includes name, institution of education and dates of employment.
Long-lists -We can provide long-lists which include candidates with direct experience and candidates with transferrable skills, to reach a wider and more diverse talent pool.
Inclusion statements - We include an inclusion statement in all deverellsmith’s job adverts which are published online to promote inclusivity and equal opportunities in the workplace.
Presenting candidate lists - It’s statistically proven that BAME candidates are unlikely to apply for jobs until the job advert deadline, this can be down to confidence levels. We ensure that shortlists are not sent across until the advert has reached its expiration date.
Daisy Chain – We’re partners of Daisy Chain, a flexible working platform that helps get parents back into the workforce.
Advertising – We offer a diversity and inclusion advertising bundle where clients can advertise jobs on the diversity job boards which we use for internal hires. We do not charge a margin on this, its part of our strategy to create a more diverse talent pool for the property industry.