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Tackling the perfect storm

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​With many construction sites coming back to life, and owners, developers and operators of real estate adjusting to the new normal, business leaders are now planning for how they are going to get back on track with their long-term business plans.

One thing that is certain is that as businesses look to rebound and move forward again, acquiring and retaining the right talent for your business will be a fundamental driver to success once more – but are you set up properly to do this?

Many will have made tough decisions over the past few months to conserve cash, and to ensure that their businesses are lean enough to make it through a time when revenue may have been hit, or rental incomes reduced.

One of the casualties of this pandemic has been people within the internal recruitment teams of these businesses losing their jobs, with hiring freezes put in place, effectively pausing recruitment into many businesses.

But now you can find yourself in a perfect storm….

You now need to recruit new team members to help drive your growth out of the pandemic but have limited internal resource with which to do it.

So, what are your options?

You could ask line managers to place job advertisements and manage their own vacancies?

deverellsmith’s latest research has shown that the average advert is receiving over 250 responses in as little as 24 hours; meaning that even if you spent 2mins looking at each application, that equates to 8 hours, or 15% of a working week just on this task alone.  This is before a phone or Zoom interview is scheduled, and with no guarantee of finding the right talent!

You could go out to your panel of recruitment agencies to source talent?

But how do you control your EVP with potentially conflicting messages being delivered to the labor market, avoid duplication and time wasted before you even determine who is going to deal with the barrage of resumes?

And if the volume of hiring required is high this could leave you with a hefty bill, especially so at a time when cashflow is tight.

You could hire a new full-time permanent recruiter?

Hiring an internal recruiter would most certainly give you more resource to hire new team members but do they really have access to the top talent you need, what will be their ramp up time and capacity, and what is their true ROI?

Or you could use deverellsmith’s Recruitment on Demand service?

Harnessing oursourcing heritage, capability of reach and real estate industry knowledge deverellsmith can deliver an extra pair of hands in a service that is flexible and scalable, speedily deployed on time and allowing you to control costs, getting you the people you need, when you need them.

Not only will you get a dedicated recruitment consultant, experienced in hiring in your sector, but you get the power of deverellsmith’s data and research team, creating talent pools, mapping competitors and ensuring quality and volume is delivered to you, fast.

Think of this person as an extension of your business – in fact think of the whole of deverellsmithas an extension of your business – working on your behalf, being ambassadors for your brand, your partner as you look to recover and thrive again.

To learn more about deverellsmith’s Recruitment on Demand service and how we have helping real estate businesses with our innovative talent management solutions then please don’t hesitate to contact Chris Long, Vice President of Deverell Smith.

Chris Long is the Vice President of deverellsmith’s New York office, having spent the past 9 years with the company in London and now the US. During this time he has executed a high number of executive level searches across the real estate sector.

Before leaving to start up our NYC office, Chris also spent 4 years as deverellsmith’sTalent Director, managing all of the firm’s internal recruitment, training and culture development.

During this period, the company enjoyed a period of substantial growth, and was named The Sunday Times 8thBest Company to Work in the UK and the #1 Place to Work in the Real Estate sector by Property Week magazine.