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Why are soft skills rising in demand in property recruitment?

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​“More than 61% of professionals say soft skills in the workplace are just as important as hard skills”

- LinkedIn 2024

The property market is moving constantly, and understanding the key priorities in hiring can help you build a team that excels in their roles and drives your business forward.

Historically, hard skills were valued more, however, we’ve noticed that soft skills such as communication, problem-solving and teamwork are becoming more of a priority within the market when our partners are hiring into their business.

This article will explore the reasons why property leaders are prioritising soft skills and how these skills can benefit your business performance and give you a competitive edge in today’s market.

What are soft skills?

Let’s start by defining soft skills. These are the non-technical interpersonal attributes that enable individuals to effectively interact, communicate and work well with others. They encompass a range of abilities including communication, emotional intelligence and time management. Unlike hard skills, which are specific and teachable abilities, soft skills are more about how one works and interacts with colleagues and clients.

These types of skills are crucial for fostering a collaborative work environment, building professional relationships and navigating the complexities of the workplace.

Why are soft skills becoming a top priority in property recruitment?

Soft skills are increasingly prioritised in the property industry due to the dynamic nature of the market, which requires professionals to interact with clients, colleagues and stakeholders.

As the industry becomes more client-focused and service-oriented, the ability to build rapport, demonstrate empathy and provide excellent customer service becomes indispensable, making soft skills a key factor in successful recruitment.

Below are couple of examples of how the market is evolving to lean more towards interpersonal skills.

Automation, AI and technology

It is often said that ‘machines are replacing people’ in the workforce, however, taking an alternative view, automation and technology can demand that we become more human and polish the skills that make us exactly that. Although automation and technology are a valuable tool to save employees time, they cannot replace the uniquely human skills that make up a business and its culture.

As technology optimises manual processes more, organisations now need people with strong social skills, critical thinking and problem-solving to effectively manage the technologies. Multiple organisations within the market are likely using the same technology, therefore, it’s the company whose employees are leaders who show strong creativity and innovation when using these that will take the competitive edge.

Changes in the working environment

It feels like a long time ago when people worked solely from the office, where now remote and hybrid working is prevalent. As physical interactions are replaced with digital communication, the ability to communicate and collaborate whilst away from the office is even more important.

Additionally, self-management skills such as time management, self-discipline, and adaptability have become essential for maintaining productivity and work-life balance in a less structured environment.

Why do soft skills matter for businesses operating in the property industry?

We recently asked our network ‘Which of these do you prioritise the most in your hiring strategy?’ the results were as follows.

Pie chart measuring the percentage of different reasons soft skills matter for businesses operating in the property industry

This shows that within the industry, qualifications and educational background are taking a back seat in the hiring process and soft skills are taking first place.

But why do they matter?

Communication: Effective communication is vital in situations such as negotiations, client interactions, and team collaboration. Professionals who can articulate ideas clearly and listen actively can foster better relationships and close deals more efficiently.

Problem-Solving: The ability to navigate challenges and provide solutions is invaluable. Property professionals often encounter unexpected issues, and those with strong problem-solving skills can address these proactively, maintaining client trust and satisfaction.

Adaptability: The property market is dynamic, with fluctuating demands and market conditions. Adaptable employees can pivot strategies and embrace new trends or technologies, keeping your business competitive.

Mark Batty - Partner, Head of Lettings South Kensington at Knight Frank

When recruiting into my business, it’s all about the individual and the character. I look for someone with energy, you don’t necessarily have to have experience but if you bring the right attitude, you’re confident you're willing to take on board criticism, and willing to learn that’s all we need.

Evaluating soft skills

Now we understand the importance of soft skills to contribute to a business's success in the property industry, how can you evaluate these within your recruitment process?

Behavioural Interviews: Ask candidates to describe past experiences where they demonstrated key soft skills.

Role-Playing: Simulate real-life scenarios to observe how candidates handle situations requiring effective communication and problem-solving.

References: Speak to former employers or colleagues to gain insights into the candidate's interpersonal skills and adaptability.

In summary, while years of experience and soft skills are the top priorities in hiring within the property industry, a balanced approach that also considers educational background and qualifications can help you build a well-rounded and effective team. By understanding and applying these insights, you can refine your hiring strategy to attract and retain top talent, driving your business to new heights of success.

Are you ready to enhance your hiring strategy? Contact us today for personalised consulting and support tailored to the unique needs of your property business.

Together, we can build a team that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

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